Few storylines at The Masters sparked more chatter than Jason Day and his truly awful outfits. He looked like Willy Wonka during the WonkaVision part of the chocolate factory tour on Sunday.
It may have been even worse than the vest he was asked to remove on Friday.
Day, who is sponsored by Malbon Golf, arrived to the practice bunker ahead of the final round dressed in white from head to toe. His jacket, glasses and hat combination made him look like he was about to shrink a small child and transport him through television waves.

If you don’t understand the brilliance of that reference, here is a reminder:
There is also the American Psycho rain jacket comparison…
Fortunately, Day took off the jacket before stepping up to the first tee. Unfortunately, it wasn’t much better.
He was, once again, wearing a pair of pants that looked more like weather gear than fashion. Perhaps they were an homage to M.C. Hammer in the early 1990s. Perhaps they were just ugly.
The whole all white thing wasn’t working for him either. Bad vibes.

With that being said, Day’s outfit on Sunday was not as jarring as what he wore on Thursday or Friday. His outfits during the first two rounds drove a lot of the conversation across the entire tournament.
Saturday wasn’t great either.

His pants were so needlessly baggy.

Friday was especially brutal. Day wore a sweater vest that bore a striking resemblance to a pack of Marlboro smokes.

Augusta National Golf Club actually asked him to remove the sweater it was so bad.
Jason Day confirms he was asked to take off his "busy" sweater yesterday.#themasters pic.twitter.com/aRF7m1fTmm
— Golf Digest (@GolfDigest) April 13, 2024
Funny enough, removing the vest actually led to Day’s best outfit of the weekend!

Malbon got roasted, through Jason Day, all weekend. It would be curious to know the impact of the chatter on sales.
Perhaps all press is good press and people flocked to the online store. Perhaps nobody wanted to be associated with baggy pants and a sweater vest that was removed by the course.