I will go on the record and say that I am a huge TikTok guy. Something about scrolling through your ‘for you’ page not knowing what’s going to come your way next intrigues me and just keeps me swiping. Over the weekend, Kendrick Perkins hit my home page and I just couldn’t help but share it with you guys.
@sportscards Kendrick Perkins has some heat in his sports card collection 🔥🔥 (Via IG: @KendrickPerkins ) #nba #basketball #sports #cards
Maybe to Gary Vaynerchuk’s credit, sports card collecting has definitely made a comeback recently. It seems to be spreading like wildfire again and with shops opening up that sell sports cards and even Pokemon cards. Kendrick Perkins seems pretty fired up about the sports card industry as well.
My favorite thing about Perkins, who has been getting a lot of air time with ESPN, is a lot of the time I have no clue if he knows what he is talking about, yet he is so fired up about whatever topic it is that I can’t help but love it. There has not been a single video or segment I’ve seen with Perkins where he is not giving 100% in whatever the take is that he’s putting out there. Whether his takes or predictions end up happening or not, you can’t help but get behind the big fella.
He takes on the entertainment industry the same way he did his NBA career, pedal to the medal at all times. Definitely not the most skilled, but the energy will always take K Perk to the promise land.