LeBron James Jr. Broke Ankles And Made Kids Look Foolish At A Recent Hoops Tourney, Has SICK Handles

LeBron James might be one of the best ballers on the planet, a two-time NBA champ and four-time league MVP, but his 11-year-old son, LeBron James Jr. (Bronny), might have just as nasty of skills on the basketball court.

Playing at a recent tourney, Bronny put on a fucking clinic in how to handle the rock, crossing kids up and exploding by them like his dad does every night in the NBA. The Cleveland Cavs star posted a few videos on Instagram of both Bronny and other son Bryce balling out—and my ankles are sore from just watching them.

James’ kids are 11 and eight, could absolutely destroy me in a game of one-on-one and are probably having college coaches drooling at the thought of them both going one-and-done one day.

[H/T Bleacher Report]