Ex-Olympian Lolo Jones Puts Creepy Stalkers On Blast After Nightmarish Year

Lolo Jones

Getty Image / Roy Rochlin

Ex-Olympian Lolo Jones took to Instagram this week to vent her frustration. Jones shared how she’s dealt with three creepy stalkers in the past year alone and enough is enough.

Lolo Jones is a former world champion hurdler at the 2008 and 2010 World Indoor Championships. She famously made the switch from hurdling to bobsledding and won gold medals at the 2013 and 2021 World Championships.

The 40-year-old ex-Olympian made it as clear as possible: she does “not want to date anyone from Instagram” so stop stalking her.

In the caption of her Instagram post, Jones wrote “in the last year I’ve had three different male stalkers. Three times now where guys have crossed the line, jeopardized my and my friends safety & altered my life.”

Lolo Jones then went on to describe the horrifying lengths these stalkers went to try and contact her.

She wrote “one guy broke into the Olympic training center and stayed overnight in hopes to find me. Another guy has continued to harass my friends in attempts to reach me And lastly, a guy stalked my house and told the police he knew me from Instagram and I invited him to come live with me.”

If it wasn’t clear that she’s had enough, she spelled it out explicitly for everyone. Jones wrote “I’m DONE. If there was any confusion here is me being very fucking clear: I’m not interested. EVER. This is not the way to go.”

Comments on Lolo’s post all encouraged her to stay safe. Most expressed sadness that she’s had to endure these creepy stalkers.

Lolo Jones previously called going public about her virginity “a mistake.” Speaking with Kevin Hart, she said “That was a mistake. That killed all my dates after that.”

Just ask Blake Griffin.

“Before at least I had a chance,” Jones continued. “Before I’d tiptoe and be like, ‘Okay, when’s a good time to tell him? Do I wait until he sees my personality a little bit, or do I just drop the bomb?'”

But she did joke about it in that same conversation. Telling Kevin Hart “I have a higher level of intensity because I don’t have any pressure release. Everybody knows me as a stressed-out person.”

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.