Former Red Sox outfielder and my favorite baseball player ever, Manny Ramirez, reportedly spiked his teammates’ drinks with boner meds before games during their epic 2004 World Series run, reports Pedro Martinez during his appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers.
The Red Sox famously took a shot of liquor prior to playoff games in 2004 to ease their nerves. Ramirez presented his teammates with a concoction called mamajuana, comprised of gin, honey, wine, and medicine root. And oh ya, dick pills.
Pedro said on The Seth Meyers Show in the wake of his book release that they recruited an injured Ellie Burks to test out the boner juice:
“Ramirez put three 100mg Viagras in it. So here we go, somebody needs to taste this to see if it works. So we decided to let Ellis Burks try to taste it and I say, ‘You know, this mamajuana, if you drink it, you might get turned on.’ He said, ‘Oh, I’ll try it. I’ll try it. I’m not playing anyway.’ So he took it, it seemed like it worked. So everybody was coming up to him for a little shot.”
Check out the clip from Pedro’s appearance on Late Night with Meyers:
[H/T The Score]