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Dallas Cowboys star Micah Parsons shared his top five Thanksgiving side dishes on his podcast on Monday and his selections raised all sorts of questions from fans.
“Great news is guys, guess what? Thanksgiving is coming up,” Micah Parsons reminded his fans. “This is one of my favorite holidays.
After expressing all the things he is thankful for, such as his family, the Dallas Cowboys, Cowboys fans, and his “sweet little baby girl.”
“You should always say what you’re thankful for every day, but this is a thankful opportunity,” Parsons continued.
“You have your family and friends around and obviously you have the most delicious meal of the people with you’re thankful for and you break bread.”
Great sentiments from Parsons that we all should try to adhere to holiday or no holiday, for sure.
Then, things got a little weird.
“If I had to get my top five favorite sides, right? My top five favorite sides, and I’m all about the combination. The combination, like, I know some people don’t like their food touching, right? I love when my food touch. So like, all my foods have to be clashed together.”
No, that isn’t the weird part (though some people may feel that it is also).
“So I’m gonna put it like this, right? So five will probably be my stuffing and it has to have the gravy on, right? The stuffing gravy has to be mando. You gotta put stuffing slash gravy. It’s combination, combination, combination. Everything’s about the combination, right?
Still pretty normal.
“Number four, we have to go, people, I’m glad someone said fried turkey,” Parsons continued. “People do not know about fried turkey. You got to have turkey with a little bit of gravy, but honestly you could do turkey with a little bit of gravy, but I’m the type of guy I like turkey with the yam sauce, the yam juice. You take the turkey with the yam juice, right? Your sweet potato juice. So say turkey, sweet potato juice, turkey with the sweet potato juice. Food always gotta touch, right? So that that’ll be number four right?”
What in the concoction is that
— No Context 💀 (@Norbertkarterrr) November 21, 2023
i support all cultures but micah deserves jail time for these takes
— goob (@lampie9869) November 21, 2023
But wait, there’s more.
Number three, Parsons said, is creamed corn. (He calls it cream corn… I don’t know what is correct. Don’t @ me.)
Second on his list is collard greens with hot sauce.
And number one on Micah Parson’s top five Thanksgiving side dishes is… macaroni and cheese with yams.
Yep… More yams.
Mac & Cheese with Yams is not meant to be paired. As gross as cream cheese and jelly bagels.
— Jordan Montgomery Burner (@JMontyBurner) November 21, 2023
Just get that man a plate of yams and call it a day.
— shane sanders (@shane72774) November 21, 2023
“If your mac and yams aren’t together, I question you,” Parsons said unironically. “If you don’t got yams and mac together you’re just not
normal. You’re just not normal. You can’t be at my Thanksgiving.”
A lot of people out there sound liked they are glad for that.
Don't let him speak again
— BGW¹⁷ (@no_optionleft) November 21, 2023