We’ve all seen Mike Tyson’s insane sparring videos. The 53-year-old is in phenomenal shape.
There’s no secret formula to Iron Mike’s success – he trains hard, eats right, and still does the same intense workouts he did in his younger days.
If the “Mike Tyson way” works for Mike Tyson, will it work for everyone?
YouTuber Will Tennyson wanted to find out.
Tennyson loves to follow training and eating regimens of famous athletes and actors and has done 24-hour challenges following Mark Wahlberg and bodybuilder Renaldo Gairy’s routines.
Tennyson’s plan was to eat just like Mike – around 3,000-4,000 calories – and do running, boxing technique training, and calisthenics to get into fighting shape.
His day started with a 4-mile jog at 4 am. Tyson likes to run early while his opponents are sleeping.
Tennyson completed the run and somehow managed to go back to bed until 10 am. How that’s possible, I have no idea. Once I’m up and the adrenaline kicks in after a run, I’m not sleeping for a while.
After shoving down a breakfast of oatmeal, milk, and daily vitamins, Tennyson moves onto sparring training.
He completes 10 rounds of sparring for 2 minutes, each with a 45-second rest in between rounds.
After the 10 rounds, Tennyson moves to a high-rep, low-weight workout which includes:
– 2,000 squats
– 500 triceps extensions
– 500 pushups
– 500 shrugs with 30 kilos (65 pounds)
– 500 neck crunches
Tyson spreads out the workout throughout the day, and so does Tennyson, choosing to do 50 reps for his first session.
Lunch is 150 grams of white rice, a 9 oz. chicken breast, and a tall glass of orange juice. After lunch, it’s back to sparring.
After 6 more rounds, it’s time for a snack – 6 bananas and a protein shake.
“It seems a little bit overkill,” admits the YouTuber, “but I definitely need the carbs right now.”
Tennyson finishes up the rest of the workout, eats a dinner of 9-ounce sirloin steak, pasta, and fruit juice.
The meal digests for a while, and Tennyson completes the final workout for the day – 30 minutes on an exercise bike.
“I’m very sore. My neck is super stiff, and I know I’m going to be feeling it for a few days after this,” he admits.
[via Men’s Health]
Why Do You Run So Much? – We Run This Episode #1
Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling. Reach out to him on Instagram & Twitter.