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Sports, baby! We (almost) have sports again!
North America’s biggest leagues are all gearing up to get back into action—including the NBA, which has officially kicked off the grand experiment it’s conducting in Orlando after teams from around the league converged on Walt Disney World Resorts and entered the “bubble” we’ve heard so much about.
The first game isn’t scheduled to be played until July 30th but there has been plenty of drama surrounding the bubble already. In addition to some players who are less than thrilled about the accommodations, people are also still skeptical about whether it will be as safe in practice as it is in theory.
Either way, it seems like the guys already in the bubble are having a mostly positive experience. Sure, there have been mixed reviews about the rooms and the food but you had to expect that was going to happen when you sent a league’s worth of rich athletes to a resort designed to cater to a demographic with slightly lower expectations.
The bubble is a pretty ambitious social experiment at its core, and while the NBA neglected to put cameras everywhere and give the people the reality show they want, we have the next best thing in the form of social media.
It’s basically impossible to keep up with the various shenanigans that all of the players on the 22 teams that were invited to Florida are engaging in but @NBABubbleLife is doing what it can to give the people of Twitter as much bubble-related content as possible.
It’s a must-follow for any basketball fan, as the posts they round up provide a pretty fascinating look at the various aspects of life in semi-isolation. After getting in way too deep, I decided to round up some of what was rounded up to provide everyone with a glimpse at their current reality.
Health and Fitness
The health of the players is obviously the top priority of this whole operation. There are a lot of precautions being taken so to keep everyone protected, but they’re also gearing up to play professional basketball for the first time in months, so guys are also doing what they can to prepare their bodies by any means necessary.
Hotel Rooms and Food
Like I said before, there have been mixed reviews of the hotel rooms guys are staying in and the food they’ve been eating and seeing the highlights (and lowlights) of what they’ve encountered has been one of the highlights of the entire experience so far.
They might have a bit more room to roam than people who were basically stuck in their apartment for longer than anyone should be but that doesn’t mean players don’t have to worry about catching cabin fever in addition to COVID-19.
Thankfully, they have more than a few options when it comes to distracting themselves.
I was personally kind of surprised to find that there are a TON of players who have been fishing to pass the time in the bubble and I absolutely adore the content it’s produced.
In case you weren’t aware, Paul George is an avid fisherman. He has won bass tournaments in the past and hosted his own celebrity event last year. What a world.
Shotgunning Beers
And the award for Best Thing To Come Out Of The Bubble So Far Goes Too…shotgunning beers, which J.J. Reddick appears to have mastered based on this video of him inhaling a Bud Light.
Sorry meant to post this earlier. Multitasking post practice. @budlight @NBABubbleLife pic.twitter.com/pBsau1SHoQ
— JJ Redick (@jj_redick) July 12, 2020
Meyers Leonard decided to take the challenge next and promptly deleted a 12 oz Coors Light.
Finally, I guess I could have put this under “Entertainment” but it really deserves its own dedicated spotlight.
I guess it was only a matter of time.