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A viral video showing two young children participating in a violent and potentially dangerous football drill is sparking outrage on social media.
The video, which has garnered five million views in just a day, shows a defensive player trying to tackle an offensive player holding the ball. During the drill, the offensive player sends the defensive player flying with a brutal helmet to helmet hit.
It’s unclear where the video came from or when it was taken but it immediately received backlash on the Internet. Both current and former NFL players called for the youth football coach to be fired for having the kids participate in such a violent drill with
Be careful who you let coach you kids. These idiots need to be fired for allowing kids to do this. They in the background oooohhhh and ahhhhing. Clowns 🤡 https://t.co/yYWDPPKzHv
— Cookie Expert (@JeffAllen71) May 11, 2021
Fire everyone.
Only a coach who never played would do this. https://t.co/Ni2H6cKTsI
— Ryan Harris (@RyanHarris_68) May 12, 2021
This is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in youth sports.
1-they look to be like 7-8 years old. There’s not need to be doing anything close to this
2-one if OBVIOUSLY outmatched and that’s on the coach
3-whoever put this drill together should face consequences— Dan Orlovsky (@danorlovsky7) May 11, 2021
There are many people that should not be allowed to be associated with the game of football, at any level. People responsible for this are doing nothing good for the game, and especially nothing good for these children. F’ing joke.
— Louis Riddick (@LRiddickESPN) May 12, 2021
There are many people that should not be allowed to be associated with the game of football, at any level. People responsible for this are doing nothing good for the game, and especially nothing good for these children. F’ing joke.
— Louis Riddick (@LRiddickESPN) May 12, 2021
This isn't funny at all. This culture at the youth level needs to change https://t.co/coO65QZlPY
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) May 11, 2021
Words cannot begin to express my anger watching this clip…this is not football & whoever put this idiotic drill together & allowed an obvious mismatch should never be allowed near a football field or youth sports forever! This is child abuse disguised as competition https://t.co/hxFmECY2fS
— Joel Klatt (@joelklatt) May 12, 2021
Attention all parents! If your kid is doing this drill. Take your child off the field and don’t go back to those stupid coaches. Coaches like this aren’t safe and ruin the image off football. https://t.co/JkXnYRyeaf
— Torrey Smith (@TorreySmithWR) May 12, 2021