Raja Bell Compared Blake Griffin’s Softness To Dairy Queen And The HATE BLAKE MACHINE Is In Full Effect

The easily dislikable L.A. Clippers upped the ante of hate earlier this week after reports surfaced that All-Star Blake Griffin broke his wrist while beating the piss out of team equipment manager, Matias Testi.

What this image-crushing incident offers up now is a series of free, easy shots — verbal ones — from anyone who’s ever wanted to take one at the Clippers forward. And it appears that there are many.

Take Richard Hamilton and Raja Bell, who took the topic of Blake Griffin and immediately went to his reputation for being soft. Which is fair. Seeing Griffin constantly whining to referees about being pushed around rather than getting in someone’s face isn’t exactly a rarity. But it was the way the duo expressed it that really reflects what little respect Griffin has around the league.


Richard Hamilton lobbed up “Dairy Queen ice cream” and Raja Bell dunked the hell out of it by saying “the soft serve.” Ouch. I imagine Griffin would much rather be compared to a Blizzard. But that sounds more like a guy like Draymond Green.

Remember when Blake Griffin was the guy dunking over a Kia and then making thousands of Kia commercials? Feels like 106 years ago.

[H/T Busted Coverage]