Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic
Nothing says NBA retirement like getting in a fist fight at your young sons’ AAU tournament. Robert Horry, the 46-year-old with more NBA championship rings than Jordan (7), threw some haymakers at an instigating father of the other team who evidently had a death wish.
Via TMZ:
“Witnesses tell us a man affiliated with the opposing team was heckling Horry throughout the game when he approached R.H. and pushed him.
Horry responded with his fists … throwing several punches at the man. It’s unclear if any of the punches landed.
“The guy was trash talking the whole game. He shoved me. Where I’m from, you protect yourself.”
R.H. — a 7x NBA champion — says he ultimately decided to walk away rather than continue to fight, knowing he was “the only one who was gonna lose in this situation.”
Horry claims this same guy has been verbally abusive to him in the past. Sounds like he needs to get his ass beat badly.
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