Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Opens Up About Josh Gordon’s Issues: ‘It’s Sad’

Brady Belichick Josh Gordon First Game

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To get inside the mind of a Josh Gordon right now would be a character study for the ages. Just five weeks ago, Gordon had been Tom Brady’s most lethal deep threat–hauling in 40 catches for 720 yards and three touchdowns in 11 games. Gordon was then suspended indefinitely by the NFL for violating the terms of his reinstatement on December 20, effectively sabotaging the one chance he’ll likely ever get to play for football’s biggest prize.

Patriots team owner, Robert Kraft, and his son Jonathan, team President, spoke about the Gordon situation on NBC Sports Boston’s Boston Sports Tonight.

Robert expressed the team was committed to help the oft-troubled Gordon, but his problems were rooted too deeply and ultimately out of their control.

“He was a real good guy, and there was a connection,” Robert Kraft said. “Unfortunately, people like that need mentoring at a young age, but when it becomes addiction, addiction is something that is way beyond our —. We gave him tremendous support on a daily basis, and he was worthy. But I think we as a society have to try to help these young people not to get addicted in the first place. And that’s the sad part of this. He’s a good guy — a really good guy. It makes us sad.”

Jonathan Kraft also reiterated everything that was said about Gordon since he arrived in New England: he’s a hard worker and a good teammate.

“This wasn’t a troublemaker in the locker room,” he said. “That football locker room, especially in our place, you have to be somebody that’s smart, that’s committed to week-in and week-out understanding what’s going to be asked of you mentally as well as being willing to work physically and then being selfless. And that doesn’t describe everybody on every football team, and our team took to Josh very quickly because he had those attributes, and unfortunately he had some personal demons. … As a person and as a teammate, he was beloved in the locker room. And I’m sure if you ask guys this week, they would tell you they wish he was here with us. He was not a guy that was disruptive or a problem.”

There were rumors that the Patriots were paying for Gordon’s drug treatment and that a return to the team was possible. Gordon since claimed those rumors were bullshit.

I wonder if Flash Gordon will be able or willing to watch the Super Bowl this year.

[h/t WEEI]

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Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.