Sochi Officials Admit What We All Knew, That They Are Spying On Everyone

A day ago, as reporters began arriving in Sochi, one intrepid journalist pointed out what he thought were spy cameras in his hotel room. (I’ve been searching for 20 minutes now and can’t find his tweet. I assume Vlad had him offed and the account deleted.)

But now, Russian officials admitted what everyone is surmising. Everyone in town is under surveillance. Especially in the most intimate and private of places: hotel bathrooms.

Per The Wall Street Journal, at a tour of the Olympic media center, Dmitry Kozak, the deputy prime minister responsible for the Olympic preparations,  had this to say:

 “We have surveillance video from the hotels that shows people turn on the shower, direct the nozzle at the wall and then leave the room for the whole day,”

See, he’s just an environmentalist, not an Orwellian monster. Also, I doubt anyone does that. But, before he could speak more about the issue, an aide quickly shut him down.

Also, in case you are wondering if anything else bad is happening, the answer is yes. People are going to die on the downhill course.

[Spying image via Shutterstock]