Anyone else not really give a shit about the Guinness World Records anymore? Back in the day, records felt like actual achievements. Nowadays, you have people doing absolutely anything to secure themselves a place in the record books. I don’t get it. Do you need that much validation as a human being that you go out of your way to create some idiotic record?
This is literally the YouTube description for this:
This week sees the return of ‘Austrian Rock’ Franz Muellner, who we have already watched break the record for the Longest duration restraining four motorcycles. Here, the World’s Strongest Man competitor hopes to beat his own record for the Heaviest weight supported on the shoulders, a record which Franz has repeatedly bettered since he first set it back in 2005.
He is trying to beat a record (THAT HE HOLDS!) for “heaviest weight supported on the shoulders.” WHAT? Sure that is mildly impressive, but in the most who-gives-a-fucking-shit way possible. Stop the madness people. STOP IT.
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