Over the weekend a fisherman landed a 1,033-pound hammerhead shark and broke a 37-year-old Texas fishing record by 162 pounds. The angler was competing in a fishing tournament based out of Texas City.
In addition to breaking the 37-year-old hammerhead shark record, this is one of the largest fish ever caught in the great state of Texas. As you might expect, angler Tim McClellen won first place in the Tackle Time Fishing Tournament with his record hammerhead shark (pics below).
There’s always controversy surrounding fishing tournaments whenever sharks are kept/killed but I’m not here to comment on that today. I’m just here to share this insane photograph from the Texas City Jaycees Facebook page showing Tim McClellen’s record hammerhead shark at the scales:
According to the AP report, it has been a crazy month for shark fishing in the state of Texas. Last week, angler Sergio Roque caught a 946-pound Tiger Shark while fishing in the same Tackle Time Fishing Tournament as Tim McClellen….Side note: can you imagine catching a 946-pound Tiger Shark AND NOT winning first place in the tournament because just a few days later someone caught a hammerhead weighing over 1,000-pounds?!?!?
Here’s a look at that 964-pound Tiger Shark caught back on July 2nd, a shark weighing 85% of the current Texas state record:
For more photos from the fishing tournament, you can head on over to the Texas City Jaycees Facebook page which also has a photograph of another MASSIVE tiger shark caught during the tournament.
There have been some MASSIVE hammerhead sharks caught in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Just check out this one that was caught and released from the sand in Panama City Beach.