Texas HS Golf Practice Cut Short By Strip Club Hosting Risque Golf Tournament

Texas HS Golf Practice Cut Short By Strip Club Hosting Risque Golf Tournament

iStockphoto / Vladdeep

The high school golf season is in full swing (no pun intended) across The South. Youth golfers are finely tuning their swings with district playoffs on the near horizon.

One high school team in Austin had their practice interrupted by this week when they arrived at the Avery Ranch Golf Club, a private golf course, and discovered a local strip club was holding their annual golf tournament there with adult dancers scantily dressed all over the course.

According to Vista Ridge High School Athletic coordinator and head golf coach Keith Allen, the high school golfers witnessed some of the adults “acting very inappropriately” and added that the students “did witness some lewd behavior.”

To be fair, anyone who thinks a high schooler hasn’t seen behavior of that nature in media (movies/TV/online) is lying to themselves but I certainly understand not wanting to expose a high school golf team to that.

Texas strip club defends itself after high school golf practice was interrupted by lewd tournament

The Yellow Rose gentleman’s club posted a bunch of pictures from the event to their Instagram page, and over on Facebook they are defending themselves after public outcry. Keith Allen said the high school’s golf team was given no advance warning of the tournament and added they do ‘not condone these actions’ which is a hilarious thing to say. Does any reasonable human being expect a HS coach in Texas to condone a strip club hosting a golf tournament?

Yellow Rose gentleman’s club is defending themselves with an apology statement posted to Facebook which reads:

“The Yellow Rose has played their anual charity golf tournament at Avery Ranch for the last four years. Avery Ranch is a private golf course and The Yellow Rose rents the entire course for the whole day. This tournament was no different than any previous tournament.”

This is a tournament for adults and no children were allowed on the course at any time while it was being played. The high school golfers were only on the driving range not the actual course. This is an area our marshals did not and were not supposed to supervise.”

“We were completely unaware that The golf course scheduled a high school practice at the same time as the Yellow Rose Tournament. Any attempt by the golf course any attempt the fein surprise an to the adult nature of the tournament is disingenuous. This was their mistake.”

“We have not received any reports of “lewd behavior” from either the course, the course marshals, or guests of The Yellow Rose. The two young ladies in the blacked out picture produced by Fox News were wearing string bikini bottoms; no different than you would see at lake Travis on a summer weekend. If somebody saw something they deemed offensive The Yellow Rose sincerely apologizes. This was supposed to be a private event.”

It seems really odd to me that they’d have to issue an apology. It wasn’t as if the golf club wasn’t aware of what tournament they were hosting. Anyone concerned about exposure should be looking to the host (the golf club) for not notifying the team what was happening that day and helping them make other arrangements for practice.

The tournament itself seemed pretty normal…

A listingon the Yellow Rose’s website said they offered a $25,000 price for a hole-in-one. There were additional prizes for Closest To The Pin, Longest Drive, Longest Putt, and a complimentary buffet for all golfers. The cost for teams was $600/foursome included ‘Swag Bag with cool stuff, Breakfast Bar, Bloody Mary Bar, 18 holes of golf, Plenty of Cocktails, Hole in One Prizes and more…’

According to the HS coach, they’ve been practicing at Avery Ranch Golf Club for 20 years. Frankly, it’s surprising this hasn’t happened until now if the Yellow Rose gentlemen’s club is also hosting their event there.

For some photos from the golf tournament, you can visit the Yellow Rose’s Facebook page where they’ve shared a few images from the event (that I can’t post here).

Now we go to Mac from Always Sunny for a comment:

Between the Yellow Rose and The Daly Cup, it’s clear the state of Texas is doing some interesting things with golf tournaments these days…

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.