Tiger Woods Told A Cool Story About His Very First Hole-In-One… Which He Got When He Was 8

Tiger Woods Story First Hole-In-One

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Tiger Woods is not like other golfers. All we need for proof of that is this story he told about getting his first hole-in-one when he was 8-years-old. (We really need that biopic.)

While giving a junior golf clinic at the Legends of Golf tournament at Big Cedar Lodge, Woods was asked by one of the kids if he could hit a hole-in-one for them.

Shaking his head, Tiger then called time out and proceeded to tell the story of what happened when he hit his very first hole-in-one.

“I’m 42. I’ve had 19 hole-in-ones. The last one I made was in 1999. It’s been a little while,” Woods began his tale. “My first one though… it was at Heartwell Golf Course in Long Beach, California. I was eight-years-old. I hit it and was too short to see it.

“So the ball carries the bunker, it rolls into the hole. Everybody in my group celebrates but me. I can’t see that high. So, one of the guys picks me up, shows me there’s no ball on the green. I’m excited – I run to the green, pick the ball out of the hole and I’m celebrating. And the kids came down and said ‘you idiot, your golf bag’s up on the tee.’ So I had to go back up and get my golf bag.”

Now if you are like me, and presumably many others, this is what immediately came to your mind as Woods was telling that story.

Here he is telling the story…

Tiger also had these funny interactions with some of the kids in attendance…

Also, just to prove once and for all he’s way better than we are at golf, Tiger deliberately tops a drive after asking the kids, “Are you ready for a big one here?”


H/T For The Win, The Big Lead

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Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.