Tom Brady, Facebook
Tom Brady just won’t let up as he continues to spit in the face of the Madden curse.
As we showed you the other day, Brady is not the least bit concerned about incurring any bad juju due to gracing the cover of the new Madden game.
Not only did he say he doesn’t believe in the (well-documented) curse, he went even further by breaking a mirror and walking underneath a ladder.
Needless to say, Patriots fans were not exactly thrilled to see him doing these things. However, Patriots haters had zero problem with it, with some even cheering him on. Go figure.
Then, just to temp Madden fate even further, on Saturday Brady posted yet another video mocking the curse. In this video Brady held an emergency board meeting at the TB12 headquarters to discuss them putting him in a “Performance Safety Bubble” — something he believes is completely unnecessary.
Once again, Patriots fans were not necessarily in agreement with Tommy Touchdown, voicing comments like “Be safe…keep the bubble wrap on” and “Are we positive you can’t play with the bubble on?!? Let’s see some test videos before we jump to any anti-bubble conclusions.”
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Now, as for why Brady never plays as his own team the Patriots when he sits down for a little Madden action, the reason is actually very simple — his 9-year-old son Jack always picks them first.
“I don’t like doing it,” Brady said. “It does feel weird. I feel like I’m going up against my own guys that I love. Julian [Edelman] catches a pass, and I’ve got to tackle him. I’ve been Green Bay, because I like that offense. And I’ve been Seattle, because I love being that defense.
I hope Brady does a better job of tackling Edelman in the game than he did tackling Gronk at Fenway… or the Falcons…
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