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Within minutes of Tom Brady’s (second) retirement announcement on Wednesday, 26-year-old Slovakian model Veronika Rajek – an admitted superfan of his – posted several photos to her Instagram account showing her on the beach.
“So hard to retire from beach days, so enjoy while they last,” Rajek wrote in the caption of the photos.
Coincidentally, Tom Brady’s retirement announcement was also filmed on the beach, leading to even more speculation on the internet that there is some link between Rajek and the future Hall of Famer. The fact that she also used the word “retire” only fueled that fire.
Which is exactly what she wants.
According to multiple reports, Veronika Rajek is married to to bobsledder and former University of Akron defensive lineman Viktor Rajek, who she wed on June 13, 2019. So unless all of those reports are false or her marriage is on the rocks, she isn’t actually hooking up with Tom Brady.
Rajek first came to the internet’s attention back in 2021 when the Mirror ran a story on her, complaining about being bullied online because she is too beautiful.
“People say beautiful people have it easy but I have it worse as people make it harder for me because I’m beautiful,” Rajek said at the time.
“It’s pretty discriminatory that other women can do the same thing as me and I can’t, and I just get deleted because of my looks,” Veronika Rajek added.
Interestingly, her baiting the media into thinking she is hooking up with Tom Brady only adds to one of one of her chief complaints.
“I get more abuse from women as they are jealous and they think I want their boyfriend,” she said.
Rajek jumped back the internet’s radar after a Monday night game in December between the Buccaneers and Saints when she posted a photo of herself at the game wearing a Tom Brady jersey and gushing over the quarterback.
“I saw the LEGEND and if somebody asks me again if I love Brady, yes I love him, and show me somebody who doesn’t,” Rajek captioned the photos of herself in the jersey. “Even his haters love him because they know he is the goat. @tombrady thank you for an amazing show.”
Two months prior to that game, in October of 2022, Veronika Rajek was still complaining to the media about how she feels she’s been treated because of her body.
“My body is considered a danger on social media, and I am constantly being cancelled by trolls for doing absolutely nothing but sharing photos of my body,” she said. “These days, you see a lot of overweight or even obese women online talking about body positivity, but when a beautiful, tall woman wants to be positive in her own skin, people want to attack me and call me privileged.”
Comments on her latest post hinting once again that there is some sort of link between her and TB12 aren’t doing much to help her feel more supported.
“Stalk Brady much?” one person wrote.
“She wishes she knew him. What a joke,” another commented.
“‘Retire’ just milking the Brady connection zzzz,” someone else wrote.
“Posted this right after Brady’s retirement announcement on a beach for clout,” another person accused.