Presented in partnership with Sunday Scaries CBD gummies…
There’s something inhumane about modern office life. You should up to an indoor farm of desks and toil away your best years behind Powerpoint decks and Excel documents, all for the purpose of… your boss getting a promotion?
Fuck all that. The modern workplace causes a different type of anxiety from the workplace anxiety our parents and grandparents are used to. Every day is survival of the fittest in a reality show-like environment filled with hidden agendas and nosey Bettys keeping track of how many snacks you sneak into your messenger bag from the commonplace kitchen.
Anxiety about getting fired from your job can be crippling. It’s a life event that can completely kick you in the ass, especially when you don’t see it coming. How are you going to make rent? What are you going to do for health insurance? Will you have to eat tuna fish out of a can with hot sauce for every meal until you get back on your feet again?
Use the code JOB15 for 15% off your Sunday Scaries order!
It’s a bottomless pit. Once you go down this thought-rabbit hole, it paralyzes your current job performance. Paralyzed job performance means higher likelihood of your pink slip status becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
As I’ve mentioned before, Sunday Scaries CBD gummies are perfect for managing lingering fears about your career. Sunday Scaries gummies mellow you out so you can get a much-needed eight hours of sleep, therefore helping you be more productive at your gig when you’re rested and relaxed.
This means you’ll be at ease come your next review. Take it from me: A handful of Sunday Scaries CBD gummies a week helped mellow me out and ease my mind at night to get the much needed rest I needed. In turn, a full eight hours of sleep helped my mood and increased my ability to stay focused and concentrated while grinding through spreadsheets and PowerPoint decks at the office.
Life is too short to lose sleep over a job that’s going nowhere. Consider Sunday Scaries a step in the right direction to your overall wellness, in career and life.
Use the code JOB15 for 15% off your Sunday Scaries order!
The BroBible team writes about gear that we think you want. Occasionally, we write about items that are a part of one of our affiliate partnerships and we will get a percentage of the revenue from sales.