Chinese Warships Spotted Off The Coast Of Alaska, Which, In Case You Forgot, Is Also The Coast Of America

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Beijing be stuntin’, yo. Beijing be stuntin on the U.S. hard.

Barack Obama is currently touring America’s most northern state, which is also America’s closest to the Chinese mainland (you’d think that would be Hawaii, but nah, sphere’s are confusing).

To welcome him, Beijing sent five warships to hang out of the coast of the Aleutian Islands. That’s uhhhh … not nice. Right? The ships were participating in a naval exercise with Russia, then decided to cruise up to the Bering Sea. According to a Pentagon spokesperson, this is the first time Chinese ships have been spotted near Alaska. They are, however, in international waters. From The New York Post:

“We respect the freedom of all nations to operate military vessels in international waters in accordance with international law,” [Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff] Davis said.

Two US defense officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the United States had identified a Chinese amphibious ship, a replenishment vessel and three surface combatant ships.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said no threatening activity had been detected, and added that the Pentagon was monitoring the movement of the ships “but the intent of this is still unclear.”

Yea. Pretty god damn sure we know what the intent is. Straight, stuntin’.