This Epic Silver Surfer Costume Just Won Halloween And It’s Not Even Close

The key to a truly transcendent Halloween costume is finding that X-Factor, and in the case of this Silver Surfer costume it’s got multiple elements that set this apart from the rest.

For starters, this costume works in the real world. This bro’s rocking a skateboard which enables him to get around and appear as if he’s truly the Silver Surfer. Next, he unveiled his epic costume to the world in NYC, the center of the media universe.

If you’re ever looking to gain extra attention for any stunt at all then you pull that stunt in NYC where there are hundreds of millions of people with cell phone cameras all within a 20-mile radius. I suppose the final element to pulling off a next-level Silver Surfer costume like this is making sure you’re fit as fuck (or wildly out of shape). Because this is one of those costumes where if you’re rocking a dad bod like myself this costume might just fall flat entirely.

This has to be the best Halloween costume of 2016, right?