Twitter Crazy: This week’s best celebrity tweets

eldh, Flickr

Every week celebrities go on Twitter and speak their minds. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re thought-provoking, and sometimes we don’t know what they’re talking about. This list is all of that and more. Strap in. It could get bumpy.

Photo credit: eldh, Flickr


Keith Olbermann: Grammar Nazi.


Garmin was a badass too.


Oh, it’s coming.


Welcome to dating in the 21st century.


Nope, you are not the only one.


I fully support this idea.


Yep, it’s pretty much party central.


Good to know…No, she said DON’T GOOGLE IT!


That should be on a Hallmark card.


Bad mental image! Bad mental image!


Best costume idea I’ve heard this season.


I got dibs on Brazil.


But did it work?


Who doesn’t?


Wait, was Ray Lewis at the ALCS?


Nailed it.


A wise man, her dad.


And grab my crotch repeatedly.


They really should change their city. It’s very offensive.


I smell a movie idea!


Pfft, how else would you eat them?


I don’t know. He’s pretty famous now.


Bet it works too, when they aren’t asleep on the couch.


I see what you’re doing there.


The music alone is quite soothing.


Save that one for North’s baby book.


Thank you, very much.


This is 100% true.


We’ve all been there and no you won’t.


So jealous.


Sadly, that’s probably true.


Have a wonderful weekend, everybody.