‘Baby Bigfoot’ Captured On Camera Interacting With Deer In The Woods

Alleged Photo of Bigfoot

Getty Image

One of the most unexplainable things about the countless number of Bigfoot sightings over the years is that witnesses almost never see more than one Bigfoot at a time.

Which is striking considering the fact that with so many Bigfoot creatures – AKA Sasquatch, Yeti, Ohio Grassman, Monkey Man, Wendigo, Orang Pendek, Skunk Ape, and Yowie – roaming the planet, they certainly have to reproduce with a mate, right?

Yet all anyone usually ever gets on video or in a photo is a male Bigfoot, all alone, traipsing through a field or some forest.

So, it came as quite a shock to many Bigfoot aficionados last week when a new image of a Bigfoot surfaced online and in it was what appeared, for lack of a better term, a baby Bigfoot.

“We know what your’e thinking. It’s Chaka from Land Of The Lost,” wrote Stephanie Wood of the Bigfoot Believers group on Facebook.

“Our gut reaction to this photo is that it’s probably a short person in a costume, maybe a kid, right? But after analyzing it for a while, we’re not so sure anymore.

“Could this be a baby Sasquatch or one of those hairy little people that pop up in reports every now and then, which are described as ‘squatchlets’? One thing we know for sure is that the truth is truly stranger than fiction in more cases than not.

“Chaka or a Squatchlet? You decide.”

So… what do you think?

Here’s what some of the commenters on the photos think…

“Honestly, the deer in the photo make this 99.9% believable. This looks like an adolescent Sasquatch I seen in a dream,” one person wrote.

“Even the deer are saying WTF?” another commented.

“Another example of something that has been around for a while proven fake and people still oooo and ahhh and debate whether it’s real or not. It’s not a real Bigfoot,” someone else concluded.

“Nobody here would no [sic] what’s real or fake if it bit all ya in the but [sic] your either a beleaver [sic] or not why criticize when are [sic] government has hidden evidence of half the s— that’s is real and lied to use [sic]all about s— so why be mean there anofe [sic] of that out there!” read the definitive comment.

“I beleave [sic] in God and well has anyone ever met him or seen him in real life so who is to say Sasquatch aren’t real when there has been actually sightings and pictures and sounds recorded and footprint impressions that are real has anyone ever got a picture of God no but that doesn’t stop me from believing in him point made.”

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.