Devon Allman Reveals How He Dealt With The Pressure Of Being The Son Of A Rock Icon While Pursuing His Own Music Career

Devon Allman music interview

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When Devon Allman was 20 years old, he was playing a gig at one of the largest outdoor venues in St. Louis, his hometown, and the reception was not what he had hoped.

The son of Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famer Gregg Allman—a principle architect of American Classic Rock—Devon discussed his frustrations and fears with his mother, Shelley Jefts. She calmly reminded him that “not everyone is going to like you.”

That guidance helped Devon put the pressure of being the son of one of the great rock music icons behind him, which is easier said than done. Since then, he’s built a sturdy career with several solo records and in bands like Honeytribe and the Royal Southern Brotherhood – traversing across the globe and entertaining millions.

But in 2018, when he formed the critically-acclaimed Allman Betts Band with fellow Allman Brothers Band offspring Duane Betts and Berry Duane Oakley, Devon finally felt like he was home. As he put it to me on the latest episode of The Load Out Music Podcast, he had spent “20 years couch surfing and finally bought a house.”

Allman Betts released its first record, Down to the River, in 2019. Then in 2020, the band released its follow-up effort, Bless Your Heart. Both albums were well-received and Allman Betts’ following continues to grow as COVID restrictions being to lift and the gates prepare to bust wide open for live music once again.

Devon digs deep discussing his career, meeting the father he met for the first time at age 16, the music that hooked him into becoming an artist, and his hopes of using his new record label to launch one star annually until his days are numbered.

So listen up. Devon Allman has a lot to say.


Aaron Perlut is a writer, host of the Load Out Music Podcast, the front man for country-rock band Atomic Junction, and the founder of creative agency Elasticity.