Dr. Dre’s Wife Claims Prenup Is Invalid In $1 Billion Divorce Because He Ripped It Up

Dr Dre Wife Claims Prenup Papers Invalid Because He Ripped Them Up

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Recently, after almost 25 years of marriage to mogul Dr. Dre, Nicole Young filed for divorce citing “irreconcilable differences.”

Early reports claimed that the couple did not have a prenup agreement, so Dre’s $1 billion empire was looking like it was set to be divvied up by the courts.

However, new reports say that there was in fact a prenuptial agreement between Dre and Young – one that she claims is no longer valid because Dre allegedly ripped up the papers. I’m not sure if that’s how it actually works, but then again I’m no legal expert.

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According to TMZ, Young just filed paperwork claiming she was forced to sign the prenup agreement back in 1996.

“I was extremely reluctant, resistant and afraid to sign the agreement and felt backed into a corner. Given the extraordinary pressure and intimidation by Andre, I was left with no option but to hire a lawyer (of course, with the help of Andre’s team of professionals) and unwillingly signed the agreement very shortly before our marriage,” the documents state.

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After two years of marriage, Young then claims, “Andre acknowledged to me that he felt ashamed he had pressured me into signing a premarital agreement and he tore up multiple copies of the agreement in front of me. Since the day he tore up the agreements, we both understood that there was no premarital agreement, and that it was null and void.”

Sources connected to Dre beg to differ, telling TMZ, he never expressed shame over the prenup and he never tore it up or said it was invalid. Our sources also say Nicole had her own lawyer and she had a clear choice on whether to sign or not.

Our sources say Dre has made it clear … he will pay spousal support and all her expenses, but clearly Nicole wants a big piece of the pie, claiming he amassed most of his fortune during the marriage.

TMZ also reports that Young “made no mention of a prenup in her petition.”

Looks like we have a long legal battle about to ensue. Get your popcorn ready.

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Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.