Listen… it’s rough out there in the dating world. We get it.
You have to run a gauntlet to have any chance of finding a significant other. Making matters worse if the fact that we really have no idea what we’re doing, yet we keep trying.
However, suing someone because you want to be with them, and they don’t want to be with you, is not the answer.
Case in point: A man is suing a woman for $2.3 million because of the trauma he says she caused when she “friend-zoned” him. Seriously. This is a thing that is happening.
According to the Washington Post…
The man, identified as drone racing executive K. Kawshigan in legal documents, alleged in a defamation lawsuit set to be heard in Singapore’s High Court next week that the woman’s rejection caused him “sustained trauma” and “reductions in his earning capacity.” The suit, which the woman is contesting, seeks about $2.3 million in damages for the alleged harm of being friend-zoned.
Look, this guy is a drone racing executive so he’s already got two strikes against him. Filing this lawsuit is NOT going to help him get dates.
To make matters even worse, this is the second time he has sued this woman.
He claimed in the first lawsuit, in which he was seeking just $17,000 (quite a drop from the $2.3 million he now seeks), that the woman had breached an “offer” she made that included “offering room for [him] to share inspiration, struggle and achievements” and “meeting up based on mutual availability, beyond coffee settings.”
That suit was struck down by the court last month for abuse of process.
Kawshigan first met the woman in a “social setting” in 2016, according to the magistrate court’s ruling. “Over time, their friendship developed, but problems began to arise” in September 2020, when “they became misaligned about how they saw their relationship.”
The woman saw Kawshigan as a friend, while Kawshigan “considered her to be his ‘closest friend,’” according to court records, which said that she asked to see Kawshigan less frequently, upsetting him. He said such action would be “taking a step back” in their “relationship.” She in turn said they needed to set boundaries, urging Kawshigan to be “self-reliant.”
Kawshigan, according to the ruling, “did not react well to this.”
You think?