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The biggest compliment I can pay Keanu Reeves is that, despite the fact that he’s literally been an A-list actor my entire life, he’s arguably now, at 57-years-old, as big of a star as he’s ever been.
With the already-iconic John Wick franchise now on the verge of its fourth film, Keanu is, at the very least, one of the great action stars of his generation, with Hall of Fame-worthy titles such as Point Break, Speed, The Matrix also under his belt. It’s because of his long-lasting and somewhat renewed star power, in fact, that The Matrix Resurrections was even greenlit in the first place — at least as far as I’m concerned.
Still, there are perhaps some people out there who’ve never heard of Keanu Reeves, which led Esquire to ask the timeless star which of his films they should check out if they have been living under a rock for the last 30 years.
If he met someone who had never heard of him, never seen one of his movies, and wanted to get to know him, which three would he tell that person to start with? What is the Keanu Primer? “Getting to know me, or getting to know my work? Because if you’re getting to know me—” he says, considering this. “I guess you could do it through my work.” He frowns, thinking. “You’re gonna give me three? Okay. Three films. Man. Um. [Long pause.] Oh my gosh. Three films. Okay, let’s just start with The Matrix—and when I say The Matrix, let’s do the trilogy—that’s one. [Pause.] Then let’s do The Devil’s Advocate. And then let’s do . . . we need something action-y in there, so let’s do Point Break.” [via Esquire]
All solid choices, if I do say so myself. While the fact that he didn’t mention any of the John Wick films feels borderline blasphemous, who am I to question Keanu Reeves’ knowledge of Keanu Reeves?
Keanu can next be seen in The Matrix: Resurrections, which will hit theaters and HBO Max on December 22. Then, next Spring, he’ll return as Baba Yaga in John Wick: Chapter 4 – Harakure.
RELATED: Celebrating The Most “Keanu” Things Keanu Reeves Has Ever Done
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