New Male Birth Control Needs Couples To Test Out Experimental Contraceptive Gel That Is Applied By A Backrub

A new form of male birth control has been created and it is as easy as a back massage. A contraceptive gel is being tested that kills sperm counts simply by rubbing the formula into the shoulders of men. Which is weird because so many unplanned births have happened because of guys giving women back massages.

The contraceptive gel is to be rubbed into the shoulders daily, which diminishes the man’s sperm count to the point that he cannot get a woman pregnant. Coincidentally, if women use their hands to rub gel on other body parts rather than shoulders it is also a form of birth control.

The new form of birth control for men is currently being tested by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). They are looking for amorous young men and women to test out this new birth control gel. The NICHD is currently looking for 420 couples (That number seems a little high) from around the world to test out the contraceptive gel over four to 12 weeks to see how it affects sperm production. But remember, if the test fails you are the proud parents of bouncing baby. Just imagine when the child gets older and you have to explain that they were not a mistake, but they were the result of a failed science experiment. Get ready to pay for a lifetime of therapy after explaining that.

“This is the first time that men are using it as part of a couple to test for effectiveness,” said Diana Blithe, chief of NICHD’s Contraceptive Development Program. “You are cutting it off at the source, but replacing it everywhere else at a level that keeps everything else functioning normally.”

The experimental birth control gel is called NES/T and it includes a progestin-containing compound called segesterone acetate and testosterone. The sperm-killing ingredients don’t get absorbed by the body when taken orally, so that is why it is a gel. Plus hormones last longer and work better when introduced through the skin than taken orally.

“It is applied to the back and shoulders and absorbed through the skin. The progestin blocks natural testosterone production in the testes, reducing sperm production to low or nonexistent levels,” the NICHD said in a statement.

“This gel would be the first user-controlled method of contraception for men since the introduction of the condom,” said Diana Blithe, chief of the contraceptive development program at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. “We hope it will be an acceptable form of contraception that couples will want to use.”

Currently, the only birth control for men is condoms or vasectomy *snip snip*. Earlier this year a birth control pill for men was being tested, but there were concerning side effects. Tests discovered that usage of the dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU) birth control pill caused a negative impact on cholesterol levels, which may raise the risk of heart disease over extended use.

So you soon maybe asking your special lady in your life for a daily backrub so she doesn’t get knocked up.
