The Monsters At Nintendo Severed Minecraft Steve’s Meat


First things first: I wholly do not understand what Minecraft is or how it works, despite the fact that it’s literally the best-selling video game of all-time. If you find yourself in the same clueless boat as me, here’s a quick little five-minute explainer that I watched to wrap my head around what this long-running pixelated “experience”, as the video calls it.

More confusing than the very existence of Minecraft, though, is its main character Steve, who is one of only two playable characters in the game, the other being Alex. As Fandom puts it, “despite being one of the most iconic characters in the video game culture, very little is known about him”, which is really just a long way of saying that he’s a shady MF.

Shadiness aside, Minecraft Steve’s recent addition to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was a big deal, especially for fans of the famed mining simulator… or whatever.

But Steve’s entrance into the Super Smash Bros wasn’t without controversy, as the Minecraft native brought something from his world that was distinctly and hornily out of place… a curiously positioned piece of meat.

Fans soon discovered that Steven’s end-of-match win screen had him holding a piece of meat which, if paused at exactly the right moment, seemed like an NSFW pose.

Nintendo didn’t just update Smash Bros. to tweak an animation, of course. Version 9.0.1, which is available for download now, has a variety of Steve-related bug fixes. Many of these changes are related to the blocky fighter’s previously wonky minecart move. Curiously, however, the official patch notes make no mention of any changes related to Steve’s meat. [via Polygon]

It’d be one thing if the Nintendo Overlords never allowed Steve to bring his meat from the Minecraft universe into the Super Smash Bros Universe to begin with, but to allow him to travel through the multiverse with his meat only to then severe him from it, leaving him hungry and alone in a strange land, where he must fight for his life against mustached-Italians, various princesses, and Pac-Man from sunrise to sunset just seems cruel to me.

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