Retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, former Oceanographer of the US Navy, recently published a paper titled “Beneath the Surface: We May Learn More about UAP by Looking in the Ocean” in which he suggest underwater UFOs are “world changing.” (UAP stands for unidentified aerial phenomena, the term the US government is now using instead of UFO.)
During his decorated military career, Gallaudet served as the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere within the US Department of Commerce, as well as Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Acting Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
“Research and attention regarding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena are almost entirely focused on their aerial occurrences,” Gallaudet writes. “Yet instances of UAP at sea, whether under the surface or traveling ‘transmedium’ — between the atmosphere and the ocean — are also known to occur.
“Perhaps the most widely publicized example was the ‘Tic Tac’ UAP, described by Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet pilots as hovering above roiling ocean whitewater during a training exercise in 2004. The whitewater may have indicated a larger UAP below or that the observed UAP had emerged from the sea, suggesting an unidentified submersible object (USO).
“More recently, a transmedium UAP was observed by US Navy personnel onboard the USS Omaha west of San Diego in 2019.”
In video of that UFO incident, sailors on the USS Omaha recorded an object hovering and moving above the ocean surface then, according to the men heard on the video, disappeared with a splash into the water.
The sailors took it so seriously that they radioed guided missile destroyers Pinckney, Kidd, and Rafael Peralta looking to immediately get a MH-60 helicopter into the sky.
As Tim Gallaudet points out in his paper, “Even though the ocean covers 71 percent of Earth’s surface, less than 25 percent of the seabed has been mapped to modern standards, and only 5 percent of the ocean volume explored—more is known about the surfaces of the moon and Mars than that of our own planet’s seafloor.”
He continued, “The fact that unidentified objects with unexplainable characteristics are entering US water space and the DOD is not raising a giant red flag is a sign that the government is not sharing all it knows about all-domain anomalous phenomena.”
Gallaudet claims the scientific ramifications of these “transmedium” UFOs “are nothing short of world changing.”
“Pilots, credible observers, and calibrated military instrumentation have recorded objects accelerating at rates and crossing the air – sea interface in ways not possible for anything made by humans, and several pieces of congressional legislation support these observations by defining UAP as transmedium vehicles,” he wrote.
“The stunning implication is that engineering, materials science, and physics beyond the state of the art are needed to produce and operate these objects. This knowledge could transform such fields as air and maritime transportation, energy generation, agriculture, communications, computing, manufacturing, space travel — virtually every imaginable economic sector — not to mention defense.”
He also references a UFO recorded on video by US Customs and Border Patrol aircraft in 2013.