Physicist Claims The Bible Contains Proof We Are Living In A Simulation

bible simulation proof

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Are we living in a simulation? It’s a common joke on the internet that we are, and there are numerous conspiracy theories out there that claim that we are, but no one really knows for sure.

Well, expect for physicist Melvin Vopson, an associate professor at the University of Portsmouth. He says he knows that we are living in a simulation, and he claims to have proof of it too.

“The bible itself tells us that we are in a simulation and it also tells us who is doing it,” Vopson recently told the Daily Mail.

“It is done by an AI – an artificial intelligence.”

Vopson says the proof might be found in the book of John from the Bible.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” the book of John begins.

He argues that ‘the Word’ in this famous sentence refers to the underlying computer code that governs and controls the simulation.

As anyone who has seen The Matrix will know, any computer simulation, big or small, consists of letters and numbers that write the rules for the entire creation.

The academic further argues that ‘the Word was God’ could mean that God is part of the simulation, rather than separate from it.

In other words, the entity that is controlling the whole thing – God – is written into the code too.

“The code running the simulation is not separate from the divine, but rather an integral part of it, perhaps an AI,” Melvin Vopson added.

He also cited the phrase “All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made” from the book of John as evidence.

“It implies a Creator who brought the simulated universe into existence through the Word (i.e. the code),” he explained.

“It suggests that the act of creation, as described in the Bible, could be analogous to a divine act of programming and simulation.”

Professor Vopson lays his entire theory out in his book Reality Reloaded: The Scientific Case for a Simulated Universe.

“What is truly remarkable is that the interpretation given is fully aligned to the events of our times: the emergence of the AI, and also it is exactly what The Matrix was projecting,” he told the Daily Mail.

James Cameron did try to warn us.

Back in 2020, another scientist claimed there is a 50 percent chance we’re living in a simulation.

Prior to that, a different scientist claims there is a 1 in 3 chance that we’re all living in a simulation.

Whether any of that turns out to be, we may never know. Unless, of course, we can locate The One before it’s too late.