Binge-watching TV shows and movies… we all do it. A lot. Sometimes we even do it so much that Netflix has to do an intervention to make sure we’re all right.
And we’re not planning on slowing down on our binge-watching habits anytime soon. Especially not with all these good shows and flicks coming to Netflix in January.
But have you ever thought about what the the real cost of all the binge-watching we do is? No, I don’t mean all the service fees we pay companies like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon. I mean the REAL cost.
Okay, I can see that you are confused so let me clear it up for you. The folks over at Crescent Electric recently conducted an interesting new study that actually reveals what the the real cost of all the binge-watching we do is based on a number of power consumption factors.
Now are you following? Okay, good.
By totaling up these power consumption factors and multiplying it by the average electricity rate, Crescent Electric was able to determine what our binge-watching habits are costing us in electrify over and above the service fees we pay to watch all of our shows.
Here’s what they discovered…
We now return to your regularly scheduled programing, already in progress.
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