It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
There are only three unwavering truths in life: death, taxes, and everything is funnier coming from a fat person. It’s why Leslie from The Hangover famously said “It’s funny because he’s fat.” Or Jonah Hill in Funny People declaring “No one wants to watch Lance Armstrong do comedy.” And it’s precisely why back in 2011, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia creator Rob McElhenney gained 50 pounds to transform into Fat Mac.
Co-star Charlie Day said back then:
“It’s been disgusting to watch him go through with this adventure,” said Charlie Day. “We were a little on the fence about it for his own personal health and safety,” he added, “but it has definitely made Mac a lot funnier.” [via Screen Junkies]
But with Always Sunny on pace to becoming the longest-running live-action comedy series in history, the gang has upped the degree of comedic difficulty.
During last night’s It’s Always Sunny season 13 premiere, McElhenney debuted his new shredded physique, a far cry from the Fat Mac we’ve come to know and love.
Before season 13 premiered, McElhenney shared his health and fitness secrets to his 236,000 Instagram followers.
The caption reads:
“Look, it’s not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7 p.m., don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span. I don’t know why everyone’s not doing this. It’s a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to. #hollywood.”
Easy as pie! Sugarless pie before 7 pm!