20th Century Fox / Marvel Studios
Ryan Reynolds, who will be starring as Ryan Reynolds in the most Michael Bay film of all-time, 6 Underground, for Netflix, is one of the members of the AGBO Superheroes Fantasy Football League.
What is the AGBO Superheroes Fantasy Football League? Oh, just a fantasy football league consisting of Reynolds, Karen Gillan, the Russo Brothers, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, Tom Holland, Michael B. Jordan, Anthony Mackie, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, and Miles Teller. That’s all.
Last week, Deadpool star Reynolds and Gillan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, went head-to-head, and in the leadup to the weekend particpated in a very heated (and hilarious) trash talk exchange.
For instance, Reynolds trash talk video ended with him telling Gillan, “In summary, Karen, step off, step back, and crawl back into whatever (bleep) you crawled out of. I feel really good about this!”
Gillan then responded by posting a video of herself going into a book store to buy a Deadpool toy so she could light it on fire and ended up calling Reynolds “Jiggly Puff.”
Welp, the results are now in, and Reynolds being the ever-gracious person that he is, posted a video congratulating Gillan on her big win.
“So first I want to unreservedly apologize to Karen Gillan for my trash talk, that was not kind. I’d also like to offer her my huge congratulations for her win this week,” said Reynolds. “That is right, she beat me fair and square. And you know something, I’m especially proud to be beaten by Karen because she is a great person and she is from one of my favorite places on Earth. She’s from Scotland, which has always felt like a second home to me. I’ve never been there but I love Hugh Jackman, and Pixar’s Brave, and Lucky Charms, all kinds of stuff. But I just want to say thanks again for the great competition, Karen. You killed it, you were amazing. And I look forward to seeing everybody next week.”
Just one problem… other than Hugh Jackman being Australian.
God, what a troll.
Congrats @karengillan on your big win this weekend. Couldn’t be happier to lose out to one of @marvel’s true class acts. Well done. @AGBOfilms pic.twitter.com/Ej5zLkdwRQ
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) September 29, 2019
This week in the ABGO Superheroes Fantasy Football League, Reynolds takes on the also undefeated Chris Pratt who appears to be taking things very, very seriously.
On a scale from 1 to smoking my children’s pajamas, how desperate are you to win this thing? #agbosuperheroleague https://t.co/OJGBuF0zj5
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) September 24, 2019