Another Day, Another Amy Schumer Joke Theft Accusation, This Time From A YouTuber

Last week the comedy world was rocked when three comedians accused Amy Schumer of joke theft, complete with compelling evidence. The next day, she defended herself for over a half-hour on Jim Norton’s show.

Death And Taxes Magazine has uncovered another joke theft accusation from Schumer. This one comes from YouTuber Joseph Tran’s 2013 web series “Reasons Not To Date a Magician.” He makes balloon animals during sexy time and jokes about pulling magic scarfs out of a lady’s vagina, which also happened on Amy Schumer’s Comedy Central show in an episode that aired on April of 2014. Tran pointed this out shortly after the episode aired and took aim at the show’s staff writer, Kyle Dunnigan, who played the magician in the Schumer sketch.

“The Schumer bit skews a little too closely to ours to be purely coincidental. That and we wrote our version, registered it with the WGA, and produced our episodes over a year ago. So Kyle, did you maybe borrow some ideas from us?”

Death and Taxes speculates if Dunnigan could be the one on Amy Schumer’s staff who is doing the lifting. Doesn’t seem like that far of stretch. That said, it’s hard to believe that any one person has full ownership of blowing condoms into balloon animals. I knew a kid who did it all the time in college and I graduated in 2008. I’m pretty something similar happened in a Will Ferrell movie.

Regardless, scene-by-scene resemblance about magicians in bed is uncanny.

[H/T: Death And Taxes]

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: