A couple minutes ago, for no good reason, the BroBible editorial staff had an intense internal discussion over the movie Top Gun, as Bros do. Specifically, who was the better pilot: Iceman or Maverick?
J. Camm: Everyone knows Iceman was the better pilot.
David Covucci: Icemans fundamentals are undeniable.
So we asked Twitter. The Brommunity has never been so divided:
//storify.com/brandonwenerd/who-s-the-better-pilot-in-top-gun-maverick-or-icem.js?border=false[View the story “Who Is The Better Pilot In ‘Top Gun’ — Maverick Or Iceman?” on Storify]
Now it’s time to open it up for discussion on the site. Who is the better Top Gun pilot? Maverick Or Iceman? Throw some Kenny Loggins on and discuss in the comment section below.