More like… Shark Cuban.
Get it?
The already star-studded cast of the uber-anticipated movie event of the summer, Sharknado 3, just got a significant Bro boost. SyFy announced today that the outspoken billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, will play the role of the President of the United States. The president. Here’s hoping he has an affair with Tara Reid, as I predicted in my plot.
What will a Cuban White House look like? Well, he will have America’s first female vice president for starters. Conservative pundit Anne Coulter has been cast to play VPOTUS.
Also added to the movie, 70s hottie Bo Derek, former wrestler Chris Jericho, ‘N Snyc member Chris Kirkpatrick (huh?) and Jerry Springer.
The Sharknado hits Washington in July. Somehow they haven’t even started filming. Whatever.
[H/T @alucci]