The ‘Planet Earth’ Iguana Video Mashed Up With A ‘Beast Mode’ Touchdown Call Is So Perfect I’m Dying

Remember that AMAZING footage of an iguana eluding a pack of snakes from Planet Earth II that went viral last month?

It was crazy enough to watch all by itself, but then Ozzy Man added his hilarious as usual narration to it and I thought nothing could ever top that.

Boy, was I mistaken.

As you may recall, back in the 2011 playoffs versus the Saints, Marshawn Lynch (who went Beast Mode on some meat at a Seahawks tailgate this weekend), pulled off one of the greatest runs of all time, since named “The Beast Quake.”

Well, some very smart person out there put two and two together and added the narration of that run to the iguana vs. snakes video and it is so perfect you won’t believe it…

Then, as if that wasn’t enough, and it most certainly was, some other genius went and took the iguana video and added Marshawn himself doing the narration and it too is perfect.

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Day. Made. Thank you SO much, internet people.