Our latest Sopranos video focuses on the craziest facts about the show that pretty much no one knows. Previously, we showed you Sopranos characters no one was sad to see whacked, key musical moments that defined Tony, and the four brilliant episodes directed by Steve Buscemi aka Nucky Thompson.
With this video, I’m somewhat surprised but then again not at all surprised that the show hired former mafia members. Like, that move makes sense because who better to portray the mob than the mob, but it seems like a ballsy move by the former mobster, no? Odds are if you were ever in the mob, then you probably have scores to settle all over the place. Usually, you want to keep a low profile.
I’m impressed by the obscenely high profanity count. 3,233 swears in 86 episodes is 37 swears per episode and since each episode is about an hour long, that’s a curse almost every two minutes.
You want to talk about curses? Seeing the undying popularity of the show, it makes me wonder what the pasta fazool this scumbag EMT was thinking when he stole James Gandolfini’s watch as he was dying in Italy. Time is not on your side, bro.