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Dang it, Orlando Bloom, will you please stop causing so much trouble with your penis?
Last year you had to text your ex-wife Miranda Kerr because the whole world saw your hog while paddleboarding with Katy Perry.
And now, as we reported earlier this week, Bloom, 40, is getting waitresses fired because of him once again not keeping it in his pants, allegedly.
Not that the woman, Viviana Ross, 21, who was employed at the Chiltern Firehouse in London at the time, seems too broken up about it, saying the sex was “incredible.”
“She said it was like fireworks were going off between them. In the room they had a gin and tonic and then started kissing. He made the first moves. He’d been staying at the hotel for five days and the sexual tension had been building up.”
“In the morning he left early for an interview and Viviana stayed in bed — but that was a mistake.”
Yeah, it was, because her manager fired her for “fraternizing with clients.”
On the plus side, at least Bloom reportedly called her when he heard she got canned to say, “My bad.”
As news of Ross’ dismissal hit headlines, a source close to Bloom revealed he was the “perfect gentleman” and had called to say sorry she was sacked.
Caring Bloom, 40, is thought to have been so concerned about Viviana that he called the exclusive venue that fired her to get hold of her mobile number.
A close source said: “They didn’t exchange numbers on the night.
“They spent a passionate night together – but neither expected it to be any more than what it was.
“Orlando got her number from the Chiltern Firehouse in London and called to make sure that Viviana was okay.
“The call will have come out of the blue – he is a gentleman and he genuinely had no idea what had happened after he left he Chiltern Firehouse.
“He just said, ‘I am sorry about what happened.’”
What a gentleman.
Now all I want to know is where is MY apology from him for scarring me for life with those pics of him paddleboarding naked?
[The Sun]
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