John Mayer Just Dropped A New Song That Will Make Your Girl Catch Instant Feels On A Saturday Morning

As has been established many many times here at BroBible, I love John Mayer. Like, the man can do no wrong ever since he casually showed up at my JRAD birthday party in October, even when casually throwing shade at his ex-girlfriend.

I probably would have never jumped back on the Mayer wagon if he wasn’t rip-shittin’ up with Bobby Weir and the Grateful Dead on the reg. That said, I’m all aboard the Mayer pop train because (A. it’s a fun throwback to the world first experiencing Room For Squares-era Mayer (B. the guy can play the hell out of a guitar. Back in November I called the first single on his new project, The Search For Everything, “the cuffing season jam of the year.” I stick by that claim, writing at the time:

It’s a jam you throw on Saturday morning after waking up next to someone who is a little more than friends, cloaked in your most comfortable hoodie while you make coffee and flip pancakes in a cozy kitchen. It invokes a feeling. Is it sappy and corny as hell? Yep. But so is every Jack Johnson/Howie Day/Jason Mraz/John Butler song ever created too.

His new jam, “Moving On And Getting Over”, is so obviously an adult-contemporary break-up jam. But not in an angry or hurtful way. Just in a feelin’ good, life-goes-on, next-steps type of way. It’s mature. It’s adult. It’s a song about when two people take their lives in different directions without each other but still feel something positive for each other. That’s mature. That’s adult.

Both of these — “mature” and “adult” — are good — Up until Mayer underwent a metamorphosis with Dead and Company, those two words weren’t frequently associated with him.

It’s also filled with buttery blues guitar riffs that will tug at your heart strings and make your girl catch a bad case of the feels.

He also dropped a couple more ballads. Enjoy ’em this weekend with yo girl, Bros.

John Mayer — “Changing”

John Mayer – “You’re Gonna Live Forever in Me”

Meanwhile, I’ll be over here waiting for more of this:

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: