If you’re like me, you value what movies and TV shows your friends and family like more than any hack critic online has to say. I get action movie recs from my dad. I get comedy recs from my best friend David (he’s hilarious). Plex appreciates those personal recommendations, too, which is why they’ve launched the streaming industry’s first integrated community feature with “Discover Together.”
Want to know what your friends on Plex are watching? Want recommendations from those viewing habits? You can do all of that and more with Discover Together. Think of it as the ultimate social media for streaming.
I spend an inordinate amount of time scrolling through my various streaming platforms looking for new things to watch only to fall back on watching the same movies and TV shows over and over again. Skip the guessing game and find out what your friends are watching for new ideas!
Discover Together, now available free to over 20 million Plex users, serves as a more social entertainment experience, enabling users to discover and decide what to watch on any platform based on ratings and activity from people they know and trust in real life.
Plex’s Discover Together feature includes:
- Activity: Users can see what their friends and family are watchlisting, watching, reviewing, and rating in their Activity Feed. They can also watchlist from, comment on, and click through any item in their activity feed to start watching.
- People: Under People, users can see their current friends and family, search for others, and see friend recommendations from Plex based on shared friends and their personal discoverability.
- Profile: Users can now see in their Profile section their watch history, watchlist, ratings, and friends. They can also edit their privacy settings to varying degrees of discoverability.
- Friends History: When clicking into any movie or show on Plex and/or through its Universal Search, users will see whether any friends have watchlisted, rated, or watched that specific piece of content.
Naturally, since it was spooky season, I had to ring in the holiday with the original Halloween from 1978. With Discover Together, my friends will not only be able to see that I watched this classic slasher, but I’ll also be able to see if my friends are also enjoying horror movies like Children of the Corn or The Hills Have Eyes.
Discover Together is free and available now on Plex online and on any device that offers the Plex app, including streaming media players (Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Android TV/Google TV, Roku), smart TVs (LG, Hisense, Samsung, Sony, VIZIO), smartphones, tablets, game consoles, and more!
Plus, Plex has an incredible library of movies and TV shows for you and your friends to enjoy, including Saturday morning staples. Get started at the link below!