Fat guy at Planet Fitness works out while eating pizza because he’s a goddamn hero

Planet Fitness? More like Planet Fatness. Here’s a rotund fella going to town on a slice of pizza while doing back extensions. He’s my spirit animal.

This a viral video for Dominos right? I can kinda see the ad campaign now.

“Sometimes you can’t wait. Sometimes you just need a slice of pie.”

/cut to people eating pizza in terribly obnoxious situations like funerals, weddings, while having sex

Actually pizza during sex sounds like a great idea. “I’m sorry honey, your nipple got in the way of that pepperoni.”

Dammit, I went too far didn’t I? I don’t even remember what we were talking about. Oh yeah, pizza at the gym, the most Planet Fitness move ever. Place isn’t a gym anymore. It’s like a place where fat people meet 3 times a week to commiserate over being fat. Fataholics Anoynmous. Bunch of assholes, really.

RELATED: Planet fitness removes squat racks for being “intimidating”

Thanks to Guyism reader Todd for the video