Until you’ve seen a giant panda masturbating in the bamboo forest you cannot utter the phrase “I’ve seen everything” without telling a lie.
And maybe even after watching this giant panda bear masturbating in the bamboo forests of Sichuan, China you STILL haven’t seen everything there is to see in the world, but you’re at least one step close to achieving that goal.
From the Shanghaiist:
After years of research and patient waiting, researchers have finally revolutionized their field by capturing images of a panda pleasuring itself. For some reason they want to share this revelation with the world, and so we pass it on to you, do with it what you will.
The porn footage by the World Wildlife Federation features a single panda in the bamboo wilderness of Sichuan. After snacking on some bamboo for lunch, he looks around, finds himself alone, and decides to have a quick wank. Little does he suspect that the voyeurs researchers at WWF are spying on him – for science!
And now for that sweet action in GIF, because you know you want to see it:
And there you have it: your life is now complete. You’ve seen a giant panda bear masturbating in the woods. So when someone asks you ‘Does a panda jack it in the woods?’ you can answer honestly ‘yes, I’ve seen it.’
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