How to get a 1000-hit combo in ‘God of War: Ascension’

One of the trophies in the just released God of War: Ascension game requires you to execute a 1,000 hit combo. Which is mighty tough. Hence why you get trophy in the first place, naturally. But there’s an easier way.

Can’t say I’m all that fond of the technique that is demonstrated in the following video, but then again, if I guess if I actually cared about trophies and attempted to register a thousand hits in the midst of battle, but only reached the 967 mark, I’d be hella pissed…

the only thing that would have made the video above better is if the Benny Hill theme was overlaid. The above is courtesy of Kotaku, who also posted the following clip, which allows for the same deal. It’s at least a bit more exciting in execution, yet still just as monotonous…