Abusive Girlfriend Goes On Enraged Barrage When She Catches Her Boyfriend Texting Other Girls


We warn you guys about cheating on your girlfriends all the time and the unfortunate reprecussions that can happen such as this fella getting his assaulted or this dude who had signs plastered all about. But even if you do cheat or text other females, no one deserves to be physically attacked like this gentleman.

This woman caught her man texting another woman and goes absolutely berzerk. Kicking, punching, and throwing the man.

“You gonna remember dis muthafuckin’ ass-whoopin’,” the woman screams at her boyfriend, or probably ex-boyfriend now.

All this goes down as other women watch and laugh.

This man may have to swallow his pride (And a chipped tooth and a lot of blood) and press charges against this woman.

Of course, this woman’s abusive and violent tendencies might be the very reason why he’s talking to other chicks in the first place.