Man Has An Amazing Twitter Rant On Why Beer Pong Kickstarter Inventions Are Stupid

Every couple weeks, it feels like a Bro comes up with a new game changing “invention” for beer pong. The recipe for these inventions is almost always the same: Usually the creators of pong invention start a Kickstarter to market said invention and profit when said invention goes viral on blogs like BroBible and Buzzfeed and Food Beast and Mashable, all clamoring for those sweet, sweet Chartbeat traffic spikes that come with beer pong/bro entrepreneurship stories. Case in point: Mountain Pong, Slip Cup, and Vert Pong.

On one hand, you can’t hate these Bros for aspiring to hit Cartman’s four-point entrepreneurial plan for making fat stacks off Bros who love beer pong. Hell, this is the capitalist ethos that’s driven BroBible since the very beginning:

On the other hand, these Kickstarter beer pong inventions have become redundant and kind of silly — the classics are the classics for a reason. Does making beer pong more sanitary i.e. Slip Cup or adding an extra rack of tilted cups i.e. Mountain Pong really make an iconic pastime more enjoyable? I’m sure their founders would tell you yes, but they’re financially motivated to get you to purchase their product.

Chris Furnari, an editor of the craft beer trade publication Brewhound, had a wonderful rant on these the general lameness of beer pong products on Twitter this afternoon. If you’re burnt out on these inventions like I am, you’ll enjoy reading it.








What do you think, Bros? Valid points? OR:

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: