Senile Old Driver Molly Wops Nine Cars In 30 Seconds In Parking Lot Fail For The Ages

One of the most amazing aspects of modern society is how willing we are to allow old drivers on the road. It’s sort of like, fuck it, they’re old, whatever, dude.

We don’t test them for hearing or eye sight or reflexes, instead letting them navigate cars around roads, despite being so senile they may not even realize they are driving somewhere. To the Publix, probably.

Maybe we let them stay on the road because of how much entertainment they provide us (accidental deaths aside). Like this video, where a 92-year-old (92-YEAR-OLD) smacked into nine (NINE) cars in 30 seconds.

Because this made me so happy watching.

You can only see seven cars in this video, but according to police, he took down nine. He won’t be charged because whatever.

As for where he was going? The Piggly Wiggly.

[H/T For The Win]