This Is What Your Phone’s Notifications Looks Like When You Have 8 Million Instagram Followers: The Matrix

Apparently having 8 million followers on Instagram turns your phone into ‘The Matrix’ whenever you post something and the notifications kick in. Instagram user Demy de Zeeuw runs the @433 account, an IG account devoted to soccer memes and videos, and it has exactly 8 million followers (as of today). Demy shared a video of his iPhone, right after posting a photo to his IG account, with the notifications turned on for Instagram. I obsessively keep my email inbox notifications at ZERO, always do my app updates the second they’re available, and immediately check every other notification that pops up on my phone…Needless to say that this video drives me insane.

While helping run the BroBible Instagram account (follow us, seriously, we post good shit on there and you’ll enjoy it) I had had to turn notifications off on my phone and right now we’ve got just over 65,000 followers…I cannot even begin to imagine how much I’d hate life with as many notifications. What’s weird though is I’m not obsessed with being orderly in any other aspect of my life. I don’t make my bed, rarely clean the inside of my car, and don’t really have an issue with dishes in the sink….Notifications on my iPhone though, that shit drives me insane. And as much as I’d love to have 8 million followers on the BroBible Instagram account (FOLLOW US BY CLICKING HERE or check out the links below), I don’t think I could ever handle that many notifications…because I do like to respond to you bros when you hit me up in the comments on Instagram, everything would get lost with that many followers. (h/t r/videos)

Anyways, here are the best pics from the BroBible Instagram from the past few days:

Cass Anderson BroBible headshot and avatar
Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.